Mr & Mrs G

Mr & Mrs G
All We Need is Love

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ariah Was Born This Way

This weather is amazing! Today reached 90 degrees. It's only April! We've spent a ton of time outdoors lately. Lots of walks, runs, zoo trip, ballpark & just being out in the yard. Ariah loves being outside.... LOVES it. This kid crys and screams until we take her outdoors sometimes. I am sooo glad she likes to be outside because well... we aren't the kind of parents to just sit around. We are active parents and we have a very active 1 year old on our hands. :)
We took a trip to the zoo this afternoon with the Patterson family. We pushed Ariah and little Raegan (6 months old) around the zoo looking at all the animals. Ariah can now make noises like a monkey. She also growels like a bear. We were looking in one of the monkey exhibits and Ariah was eating some fruit and the monkey couldn't take his eyes off Ariah and her fruit. He even looked at her and pointed his finger. If I could have shared  I would have.
When Scott got off work tonight we wanted to take Ariah out to dinner before we went to the ballpark to watch Mason play. We really wanted to go to this new mexican place called Chewy's but it is not open yet. So we decided to go to Chedders. It was yummy and Ariah really enjoyed sharing from our plates.  
Our next stop was the ballpark to watch the birthday boy, Mason Raes, play in his first game! For 5 years old he has one heck of an arm. Super proud of this kiddo. Ariah enjoyed running around and watching all the kiddos. They even had a girls baseball team playing and Ariah really enjoyed watching these girls hit balls and run bases. These girls were awesome... they had polka dot socks to match their outfits and it made me wish Ariah was out there with them. I know she'll grow up fast but I am looking forward to her playing on some sport teams.
I've also been working on several projects! I am always looking for new ways to expand my career and most the time they relate to my current lifestyle. I am getting ready to start teaching a Stroller Fitness class over in the Norton Commons area and also would like to start one locally in my neighborhood. I know how hard it is to find time as a mom to exercise! Wouldn't it be nice to get a great workout in while you have your kid with you!? If anyone is interested in being apart of my class let me know. :)
My other project has been making hair bows. I have been making several different kind of bows and have gotten pretty good at making bows to match Ariah's many summer outfits. I would really love to start selling them to my mommy friends and anyone else wanting a bow to match a particular outfit for their little girl. I know I've bought so many for Ariah and they can really add up in cost. My goal is to make these bows and sell them at a lower cost than most places. If you need a custom made bow let me know!
